
Miss Dede & Y

Monday, June 11, 2012

Our new family member... Macks

Well, today I was home for the 3rd day in a row -- fever and feeling absolutely horrible. When Wyatt came home early this morning from his dad's he took a short nap and then went outside to play basketball. After a few minutes he came in yelling, "Mommy, mommy! I have something to show you!" Usually when my kiddo says this I knonw that I need to be concerned that maybe he has captured one of the big spiders or one of the cats got out. But not today.... today he showed me ....Macks.....

Macks was under his Little Tikes basketball hoop and the mother had run away. Macks is now safely sleeping at the foot of Y's bed ...we don't know how long he will live or what will come over the next few days. But he has been fed kittn formula, and seems to love it. He "roots" just like a baby and when you look closely you can see hit little tongue sipping his meal. We would have kept Macks outside for his mama to come back, but by the time I met him, it was 79 degrees and far too hot in the area he was in. Time will tell as to how long this little critter will live.
 Macks.........the newborn mouse at 8:30 pm --10 hours after rescue

 Macks' new home....receiving blanket of Y's and some special mouse bedding
   Tucked away for the night-- well until Miss Dede feeds him at 10:30p
Anyone want mouse duty while we are away???

~~Miss Dede

Sunday, June 10, 2012

We Love To Read!!

Reading opens the mind to so much in this world. My whole family has enjoyed reading from a young age. I remember waiting for Mom to take us to the public library in Gardiner, reading to us at night before going to bed, ordering a book from Scholastic in elementary school, and spending every day in high school waiting at the Belfast Public Library for my father to pick me up after sports practice. Reading, opens the world to the reader!

My mother is a voracious reader. Even now, her stand next to her chair in the living room has a couple of books. My father has begun reading more too. My brother, has always been a reader and a writer. And GiGi, my sister, well even after losing most of her eyesight, she still reads. Here she is with her CCTV-- it magnifies the books text so she can read again.
 GiGi shows us how the CCTV is used with a picture of Wyatt.

The day before these pictures were taken, the three of us went to the Bangor Public Library. GiGi hadn't been there in many years, I can't even remember the last time I set foot in that library, and Wyatt had only been in the Clifton Public Library. We are very grateful our small town has a library, but it has limited hours and is the size of an elementary classroom. I will never forget the look on my son's face as we walked up the front steps of the Bangor Public Library, opened the door and then ascended up the next set of marble steps.

We got our new library cards, maps, and rule sheet (a necessity with an active talkative 7 year old) and began perusing the books in the children room. Wyatt was ecstatic! We talked about being quiet, putting books on the carts when done looking at them, using the public computers, and finding chairs and tables to read at. Wyatt selected 4 books to take out....

Yep, ocean animals, wasps, space and dangerous animals---my kiddo's interests.

 And here he is reading while GiGi and me look around..... A trip to the library....the look on my son's face, the smile on my sister's face and me....glad I opened a whole new world to my son. Looking forward to going back this week. ~~~ Miss Dede

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Rainy Sunday

Its a rainy Sunday here in Penobscot county. Y will be coming home later this afternoon and still trying to decide if I can pick up the "new" fridge today or not. For the last few months we have been using a small dorm fridge since the other one no longer keeps anything cold. But by the grace of God, a friend at work, Evelyn, has a fridge we can get for next to nothing! Love it and cannot wait to get it in here!

Of course what that means for me, is the next few hours doing housework and organizing this little house. Looking forward to the new fridge ....and then hopefully an unclogged drain in the kitchen. Right now its just a matter of motivation to get me going. Rainy days can have that affect on me.

Well, if we do get the fridge later, I will be sure to post pictures............enjoy the day! ~~ Miss Dede

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Cub Scouts -Pine Wood Derby

Y had his first Pinewood Derby this year. I carved the car out and he painted and put it together with his dad. Next year--watch out...we think we know how to win this thing now!!

New Beginnings.....


Tiger Cub Scouts- Pablo, Joe and Grant
New beginnings are happening for so many right now! We are not exempt. It is June, 2012 and Y only has 3 more days left at his private Christian school and will begin attending public school in the fall. It is bittersweet for us. Y loves his school, friends, teachers and the wonderful community he experiences everyday. But as I tell him every day~~~ he will meet new friends and this will be a great opportunity to meet new people where we live. Y also will benefit from learning what it is like to grow up in a small community and be a significant part of it.

I have lived out here for 11 years and know very few people. But that is certainly changing! All ready we have met people from Holbrook Farm League......and will soon meet others from his new school. This great change for Y is actually a blessing from God.

With my position ending with Bank of America when our site closes in October, it means many changes for the family. I am planning on working from home -- or at least close to home. I have had my dream jobs in management, I have had my job of earning good money- but now the best job on earth is being Y's mother and being there for him. I can do that after the site closes, because I can find a way to have a business right from here. There is such a need for after school care and summer care out here that I am planning on pursuing that here at The Robbins Nest. Why not? I have the experience, the land, the toys, and the desire to provide great care for school age children. And......

It may mean we can pursue our dream of a farm of sorts. Y and I love animals and want to expand our critter population to include chickens, goats and Alpacas. So many children do not get the opportunity to experience raising animals that can be productive. Will we eat our critters? I say, "no way," but Y says he can surely eat the chicken he fed in the morning. Oh my! It must be his daddy's blood running through him? After all, his dad is a hunter...and our little Y guy is taking right after him.

I want to get back to the basics. I want to eat healthier, stay home more, develop friendships here in our community and I want to be a servant that the Lord God has wanted me to be. I can do that out here. We aren't too far from town...we aren't too far from Canada...we aren't too far from culture in Portland or Boston.

Franklin Park Zoo in Boston
Join us as we go on our adventures -- here in Maine and wherever the wind takes stop..........the land of "concrete and rust." That's right folks..............Milwaukee. Hear there are a few good zoos there too.....
~~~ Miss Dede